In air quality monitoring, there are various units of measurement for the gases that occur. For example, it is common to measure the concentration of carbon dioxide in ppm (parts per million). The quantity of particulates, on the other hand, is usually given in µg/m³ - as particulates can have different sizes. To make measured values from different sources comparable, they must be converted into the same unit. Our unit calculator for gases helps with this.
Below you will find an overview of common units of measurement for concentrations of a gas or substance in the air. Whether you are an expert in air quality or simply want to know more about your ambient air - our unit calculator gives you an easy way to convert. Temperature and air pressure are also taken into account.
ppm (parts per million): 1 ppm corresponds to 1 part in a million parts.
ppb (parts per billion): 1 ppb corresponds to 1 part in a billion parts of a gas.
mg/m³ (milligrams per cubic meter): Indicates the mass of a substance in mg/m³ per unit volume of air.
µg/m³ (micrograms per cubic meter): Indicates the mass of a substance in µg/m³ per unit volume of air.
We are still working on improving the air-Q unit calculator and are open to requests and suggestions for improvement.
Particulates is a mixture of solid and liquid suspended particles with a very small diameter.Depending on the particle size and composition, particulates can have a lasting effect on the respiratory tract and the cardiovascular system. The air-Q air analyser can measure particulates of different particle sizes (PM₁₀, PM₂,₅, PM₁).
✓ measurable with air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science and air-Q radon science.
Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) belongs to the group of nitrogen oxides. It is a reddish-brown, chlorine-like and pungent smelling gas.NO₂ has a strong irritating effect on the respiratory tract and promotes asthma.
✓ measurable with air-Q pro as well as air-Q science
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is one of the natural components of air and an important greenhouse gas in the earth's atmosphere. Excessively high carbon dioxide concentrations indoors lead to lower performance and fatigue and even life-threatening respiratory distress.
✓ measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science and air-Q radon science.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced, among other things, by the incomplete combustion of substances containing carbon.The colourless, odourless and tasteless gas is a strong respiratory poison that quickly reaches dangerous concentrations in unventilated rooms.
✓ measurable with air-Q basic and air-Q pro as well as air-Q science
Molecular oxygen (O₂) is a colourless and odourless gas that is present in 21 % of the air. On the Earth's surface, oxygen is the most abundant element by mass.
✓ Measurable with air-Q science and oxygen single sensor
Ozone (O₃) near the earth is formed by the reaction of oxygen, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds under intense solar radiation.Even in slightly elevated concentrations, it causes severe irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
✓ measurable with air-Q pro as well as air-Q science
Sulphur dioxide is a colourless, pungent smelling and sour tasting irritant gas and is perceptible to humans at concentrations between 0.8 and 4.0 mg/m³.
Radon is a noble gas whose decay releases radioactive particles (so-called alpha radiation).
✓ measurable with air-Q radon and air-Q radon science.
Absolute humidity describes the water vapour density: that is, the mass of water vapour contained in a specified volume of air.
✓ measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science, air-Q radon and air-Q radon science.
Air humidity refers to the proportion of water vapour in the gas mixture of the air.Humidity that is too high or too low indoors can have a negative impact on people's well-being and health.
✓ measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science, air-Q radon and air-Q radon science.
Methane is a combustible gas and the main component of heating gas.
Measurable (via the VOC gases substance group) with air-Q light, air-Q basic and air-Q pro as well as air-Q science or via the methane single sensor.
Formaldehyde is a colourless, pungent-smelling substance that is gaseous at room temperature. Due to its use in adhesives, formaldehyde is very common in interiors today and is found in many wood-based materials and furniture.
✓ Measurable with the air-Q formaldehyde special, air-Q pro, air-Q science or the formaldehyde single sensor. Formaldehyde is also recorded via the VOC sensor as a VOC sum value, which is available in every air-Q(air-Q light, air-Q basic and air-Q pro).
Air pressure is created by the continuous movement of air masses.As part of the atmospheric environmental conditions, it has a direct influence on human health and well-being.
✓ measurable with air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science, air-Q radon and air-Q radon science.
Sound becomes noise when unwanted noises are perceived as disturbing, annoying or impairing.As a psychosocial stress factor, noise can severely impair well-being and performance.
✓ Measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic and air-Q pro as well as air-Q science
The noise maximum value, unlike the basic stressful "normal" noise value, reflects acute noise events - such as a short loud bang in the night. These events documented by the noise maximum value can abruptly interrupt rest phases and cause stress.
✓ Measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic and air-Q pro as well as air-Q science
The air temperature has a significant influence on the reaction time of chemical processes and thus on the metabolic process of humans.It therefore makes sense to measure it. Temperatures that are too high or too low can have a negative impact on mental or physical health.
✓ measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science, air-Q radon and air-Q radon science.
The light sensor measures the light intensity by detecting the brightness of the incident light and converting it into a digital signal. It only takes into account the light spectrum that can be perceived by the human eye and ignores infrared and ultraviolet radiation.
✓ Can be used as an additional sensor with air-Q Science
VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) are organic, carbon-containing compounds that evaporate even at low temperatures. In many cases, VOCs are largely harmless to living beings - despite their influence on well-being. However, this group of substances also includes substances that are critical to health, such as formaldehyde.
✓ measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science, air-Q radon and air-Q radon science.
The dew point describes the temperature point at which the relative humidity is 100% and the existing water vapour in the air would immediately begin to condense into water.
✓ measurable with air-Q light, air-Q basic, air-Q pro, air-Q science, air-Q radon and air-Q radon science.
Nitrous oxide is a colorless and tasteless gas with a slightly sweet odor. Under the name laughing gas, it is known primarily from medicine as a painkilling and anesthetic agent.
✓ Measurable with the air-Q Science or the nitrous oxide (N₂O) single sensor.
Hydrogen sulphide is a colourless, malodorous and highly toxic gas that is flammable and highly combustible. It has the typical smell of rotten eggs and is produced when proteins from sulphur-containing amino acids are decomposed by putrefactive and sulphur bacteria.
✓ measurable with air-Q pro as well as air-Q science
Ammonia (NH₃) is a pungent-smelling, colourless and toxic gas. It irritates the eyes and respiratory tract and has a suffocating effect. Ammonia is one of the most widely produced industrial chemicals. In nature, urea and various salts occur as reaction products.
✓ Measurable with the air-Q Science or the ammonia single sensor.
Hydrogen occurs stably only as molecular hydrogen (H₂) and is a colorless and odorless gas. It reacts quickly with oxygen (O₂) to form water, releasing energy. H₂ is non-toxic but has flammable / explosive properties.
✓ Measurable with the air-Q Science or the hydrogen single sensor.
Chlorine (Cl₂) is a toxic greenish gas with high reactivity. In low concentrations it irritates the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, in high concentrations it has a corrosive effect.
✓ Measurable with the air-Q Science or Chlorine (Cl₂) single sensor.