Protect holiday homes and monitor air quality and living spaces, measure chemicals and carbon monoxide

Stay informed about smoke, fire, burglary and power failure with the air-Q smart

The fire alarm, gas alarm, access alarm and failure alarm provide reliable and privacy compliant security features, comprehensive monitoring and quick notifications. Protect your home or business from potential hazards such as fire, burglary and harmful gases. Thanks to its advanced sensors, the air-Q detects sources of danger early and issues real-time multidimensional alerts so you can respond in time.

Stay informed about smoke, fire, burglary and power failure with the air-Q smart

The air-Q fire alarm, gas alarm, access alarm and failure alarm functions provide reliable and privacy-compliant security, comprehensive monitoring and fast notifications. Protect your home or business from life-threatening and capital threats. Thanks to its advanced sensors, the air-Q detects sources of danger early and issues real-time alerts so you can respond in time.

air-Q Air Quality Meter Alarm Smart Home Device

Multidimensional smoke detector, gas detector, and burglary and system failure alarms.

Right click
The air-Q is not only a measuring device for air quality, but also the innovation for networked security! Measured values that indicate fire, gas, burglary or even cigarette smoke trigger visual, audible alarms as well as notifications in the form of push and mail notifications. Interesting: Even a complete power failure is noticed!
push message icon

Push message

You receive notifications as a push message in real time. So you are informed no matter where you are.


All alarms are also sent in real time as an e-mail and thus documented along the way.
optical alarm icon

Optical signals

The various alarms are clearly displayed on the device via bright LEDs.
alarm icon

Alarm sounds on the device

Loud audible alarms can be heard throughout the home or provide a gentle reminder.

The air-Q provides alarms for:

Protect mental health

Fire and smoke

Get accurate and earliest possible warnings by incorporating multiple sensors.
Protect mental health

Toxic & flammable gases

With special sensors, even the smallest amounts of hazardous gases can be detected before it is too late.
Protect mental health

Cigarette smoke

Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of particulates, carbon monoxide and many other chemicals that the air-Q can detect.
Protect mental health

Access / Burglary

Receive information about unauthorized access e.g. when you are on vacation.
Protect mental health

Offline / Power failure

If the air-Q fails e.g. due to power failure, a message is sent.
air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.