In addition to health, air quality also influences well-being and performance. Even after a very short time, the concentration of carbon dioxide in an enclosed space can reach a level that has a measurable and demonstrable impact on a person's ability to concentrate. After one to two hours in an ordinary office, levels of
carbon dioxide are often measured that increase the error rate during working hours and can even lead to making strategic decisions more difficult.
There is also a very concrete correlation between concentrations of
particulates on the one hand and performance on the other.
Temperature and
humidity (air moisture) also have a lasting effect on the thinking ability of the employee or self-employed person. And a
lack of oxygenalso has a negative effect on the health and performance of the individual. Poor indoor air can quickly lead to losses in productivity of 30 % to 50 %. This is not only important in the office, but also in the home office or the home in general. Because based on a lack of efficiency, mistakes happen - and that leads to additional stress, possibly to dissatisfaction and depression. In this way, the psyche of the individual is also burdened.
The device for measuring the quality of the air we breathe and the air in the room, the air-Q air analyser, records all factors that influence our well-being and performance and, taking into account scientific studies and investigations, calculates not only the health index but also the performance index of the air we breathe, which can be called up in the air-Q app.