Invisible gases and particles in the air we breathe.

We breathe in and out over 20,000 times a day. Yet we do not know whether and which substances are in the air, where and how they are produced and come from, what effects they have on us, and what limit values exist. We have compiled information on limit values for gases, particles and pollutants in the air we breathe for you.

air-Q Air Quality Meter

These substances influence your health and well-being - learn all about the quality of the air you breathe

Here you can find out about invisible gases and particles in the air you breathe. We explain how the various substances and compounds are formed and what effect they have on you. You can also get an overview of the often complex definition of limit values, for example from the Federal Environment Agency or the WHO. From this, recommendations are derived on how you can sustainably improve your indoor air.

By the way:
The air-Q measures and monitors all this for you. So that you can continuously keep an eye on the influence of your air on your health and performance.
air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.