Uncover the causes of poor air quality with an air analysis

Healthy and efficient with an air analysis

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We spend a large part of our lives indoors, whether at home or at work. Therefore, the quality of the air we breathe there plays a crucial role in our health and well-being. Unhealthy air and pollutants from cleaning products, paints, furniture, carpets and electronics, for example, can lead to health problems ranging from respiratory diseases and allergies to serious chronic illnesses.

The air-Q indoor air analysis is used to make existing chemicals and poor air quality visible. You receive a specially prepared and calibrated air-Q air measuring device and collect data on your air over an analysis period. One of our experts then evaluates this data for you and helps to visualize and eliminate sources of chemicals and poor air quality that are not normally visible.

Indoor air analysis

Indoor air analysis for the home

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Poor air quality in the bedroom, living room or children's room can lead to problems such as poor concentration, tiredness, allergies and even mold. An indoor air analysis with the air-Q helps you to detect air pollutants in good time and eliminate the source.
Office air analysis

Office air analysis for companies

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Poor air or unfavorable climatic conditions in the office or meeting room lead to employees feeling ill - the so-called sick building syndrome. With an office air analysis, you can uncover these otherwise invisible causes together with our experts.
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air-Q Health Index
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air-Q performance index
All measured variables are assessed and evaluated with regard to health and performance aspects. You receive information on how and to what extent your health could be impaired. Always keep an eye on the effects of air quality on your health and performance!

Recommended by measurement professionals

The air-Q is recommended by indoor air experts such as the Branch Center for Finishing and Facade. Our measurement technology is used there within the training "Master of indoor climate" and is used in the field at the customer for room climatic analyses.

Stucco and facade
Health and performance with the air-Q app

Do you still have questions or need advice? Please contact us.