Monitor air quality and living spaces, measure chemicals and carbon monoxide

air-Q in the Smart Home

With up to 14 sensors to monitor the air smart, evaluate and enable automation. Compatible with all common smart home systems.

Expand Smart Home with smart air sensor

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We spend much of our time indoors. Air quality there is a major determinant of well-being and there are many possible sources of pollutants, most of which are unknown. With the air-Q you can measure all gases and aerosols that can occur at all. This allows you to find causes and uncover the sources. However, the air-Q can do much more and acts as a sensor center for a variety of situations and as a powerful signal generator for your smart home.

Optimally prepared for smart homes - record, analyze and automate everything with up to 14 sensors

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Based on the composition of the air components and courses of gases such as carbon dioxide, humidity as well as particles / particulates , conclusions can be drawn about the environment. Thus, it can be deduced whether the air quality is good or bad and what needs to be done. However, it can also be detected whether people are in the room, windows are open, the heating is activated or the fireplace is burning.

Whenever we feel like it, we open the window or turn the heating off or on. These activities always follow similar patterns. What if these could be automated? That way, it's not only safe and comfortable when you're at home. You can also receive important signals from home when you're on the move - so the air-Q also acts as a smart remote fire and gas detector or presence detector.

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All measured values at a glance with the air-Q app for smartphone and web

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All measured variables can be viewed and analysed via the air-Q smartphone app(iOS and Android). The three main functions allow a quick start - the air-Q health index as well as the air-Q performance index based on limit values of the Federal Environment Agency; real-time measured values and diagrams as well as the virtual health advisor. Nothing remains undetected, because the sensors used in the air-Q measure with a sampling rate of less than two seconds - in other words, really in real time.

Thanks to the air-Q's open interfaces with HTTPS web server and MQTT connection, the air-Q is eminently networkable and works with common smart home standards. There are no limits to your own in-depth analyses and connections to your smart home!
air-Q App Measure Air Quality Health Performance

Stay healthy and have fun with the air-Q in the smart home

Protect mental health
Measure everything in the air - for your safety and well-being. No one offers more sensors!
Protect mental health
Make your own evaluations with the air-Q app and web app - from home or on the road.
Protect mental health
Pure networking. Expand your smart home through the interfaces on the air-Q.

Our recommendation for you:

air-Q meter img
air-Q basic (AQ-1000)

air-Q basic - monitor air quality with 10 sensors.


Perfect for home and office


Smoke, fire and toxic gas alarm


Smart Home support e.g. for Alexa, Home Assisstant, IFTTT uvw.


Free Smartphone App & Web App

For ambitious customers:
The air-Q Science with open API for own Smart Home developments!

Health and performance with the air-Q app

With the air-Q you get your personal Smart Home Enabler - Made in Germany.
With the various measured values for air quality, many automatisms can be sensibly triggered. Expand your Smart Home now with the air-Q.