Detect and record odor nuisance

Detect and log odor nuisance and cigarette smoke

Cigarette smoke from neighbors, chimney smoke, animal odors or industrial exhaust fumes: Are you constantly exposed to your neighbors' bad smells? You do not have to accept an odor nuisance without complaint. An unacceptable stench can even justify a rent reduction if you can report the defect to the landlord and record the odor nuisance. The air-Q air measuring device measures the air components, provides information about the composition and reliably records the development of the measured values.

Capture unwanted gases and odors:

Avoid cigarette smoke

Measure cigarette smoke

If your neighbor smokes frequently and you are exposed to cigarette smoke, you can request smoke-free periods. To do this, prove the constant health risk from rising smoke particles by monitoring the development of particulate matter levels.
Avoid industrial exhaust gases

Log industrial waste gases or odors from wastewater treatment plants

Fattening plants or industrial waste gases cause a strong odor nuisance. The acceptable limits in rural areas are significantly higher than the values for cities. Nevertheless, a measured value protocol allows you the chance of an ordered odor expert opinion.
unwanted odors

Odor nuisance from kitchen odors, animals, restaurants measure

Frequent cooking odors, the constant smell of grilled meat, or the persistent stench of animal feces are unacceptable. Record the odor nuisance with an air measuring device. Based on this data, you have a traceable indication in your hand.
air-Q App Measure Air Quality Health Performance

Do the recorded readings of the air-Q count as evidence in court?

Right click
The recorded measurement results of the air-Q are a useful first step in legal proceedings in the event of a dispute. With the values you record yourself, you have circumstantial evidence and can prove the unwanted nuisance based on the development of the measured values over time. For this purpose, the air-Q logs up to 14 different air components very closely and thus records cigarette smoke and other odors and harmful vapors.

With the help of the log, you can determine both the intensity and the duration of the odor nuisance. This solid evidence increases your chances of obtaining an odor protocol or an odor report commissioned by the court. These special reports are necessary for a legal decision. Be sure to consult a lawyer in advance of your dispute and seek advice.

All measured values at a glance with the air-Q app for smartphone and web

Right click
All measured values can be viewed and analyzed via the air-Q smartphone app. Nothing remains undetected, because the sensors used in the air-Q measure at a sampling rate of less than two seconds - in other words, truly in real time.

All data is stored on the air-Q and optionally in the cloud and can be evaluated later and the measured values output as a table or diagram.
air-Q App Measure Air Quality Health Performance

The right air-Q for you:

air-Q pro (AQ-2000)

air-Q pro - monitor the air quality with 13 sensors and log everything.


Measure everything: no one has any more sensors!


Record all values


Perfect for home and office


Free Smartphone App & Web App