Wooden panel is worked with a wide brush, in the foreground there is a formaldehyde bottle on two cloths
Air quality

Formaldehyde (CH₂O): Definition, formation & consequences

Formaldehyde occurs indoors as a gas and can be perceived by its typical odor. It is formed during incomplete combustion and other oxidation processes. Since the gas is used in adhesives, for example, it is very common indoors and enters the body through respiration. We present the substance in more detail.


Undine Jaehne



Measured value Formaldehyde: Causes & Origin

Formaldehyde is colorless, pungent smelling and gaseous at room temperature. The "home toxin" is found practically everywhere as an adhesive component: in wood materials, furniture and fittings, chipboard and blockboard, insulating materials, paints, varnishes, adhesives, glues, or in aqueous form in preservatives and disinfectants.

In addition, formaldehyde is formed during metabolism and occurs naturally in fruits such as apples or grapes. Formaldehyde is also formed during incomplete burns or smoking.

Is CH₂O harmful to health?

According to the European Union, formaldehyde is carcinogenic or can increase the incidence of cancer and is classified as mutagenic. The gas favors allergies, respiratory or eye irritations and can cause skin irritations in case of direct contact with the liquid solution. In addition, the substance can affect memory and the ability to concentrate, as well as cause sleep disturbances.

Danger to life exists from a concentration of 30 mg/m³. Together with oxygen, formaldehydes form explosive mixtures from a concentration of 7% by volume.

How can you protect yourself from the health risks of formaldehyde?

  • Look out for the "Blue Angel" product label when making new purchases or the "Golden M" quality mark (RAL quality mark 430) when buying furniture.
  • Use only building materials with the "Low emission E1" certificate.
  • Measure the concentration of formaldehyde in the room air with an air meter such as the air-Q and ensure sufficient fresh air supply by intermittent ventilation.
Air-Q air meter with luminous LED displays against white background
The air-Q air meter detects formaldehyde in indoor air & warns at high readings.

Contributed image: FluxFactory from Getty Images Signature/canva.com; air-Q

NEW | air-Q pro with formaldehyde sensor
The air-Q pro is now brand new with integrated formaldehyde sensor


What is formaldehyde?
Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent-smelling gas that is found in many products such as furniture, paints, varnishes, adhesives, insulation materials and wood-based materials. It is also produced by incomplete combustion and is naturally present in small quantities in some fruits such as apples and grapes.
How is formaldehyde produced?
Formaldehyde is produced during the manufacture of many building materials and furniture, as well as through the metabolism of plants and animals. Formaldehyde is also released during smoking or incomplete combustion of organic materials.
Is formaldehyde harmful to health?
Yes, formaldehyde is classified by the EU as carcinogenic and mutagenic. It can cause allergies, respiratory tract irritation, eye irritation and skin irritation. It can also impair memory and concentration and cause sleep disorders.
What is the concentration of formaldehyde that is dangerous?
From a concentration of 30 mg/m³ there is a danger to life. In addition, formaldehyde and oxygen can form explosive mixtures from a concentration of 7 % by volume.
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.