It's clear: refreshingly clear air is a valuable commodity, as it increases your well-being and improves your ability to concentrate. However, when heaters are running at full blast, the humidity and oxygen content of the air in the room drops. The mucous membranes dry out and become cracked due to the warm heating air. This can lead to infections such as colds. The HYLA water vacuum cleaner combines air and room cleaning. By vacuuming, the appliance binds dirt and dust with water and releases more moisture back into the air. This ensures a clean home and higher humidity at the same time. Our practical test shows how and whether this works.
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Air purifier from HYLA in the air-Q test
As in our test with the AH902 K from Venta, we again artificially polluted the air in a room of 20 m² with an incense burner. As a result, the values for PM₁₀, i.e. particles smaller than 10 µm, increased significantly. The particulate levels peaked just under 20 minutes after the candle was lit. We checked the test with our air-Q pro air analyzer with a total of 14 different readings. At the start, the air analyzer showed an extremely high level of particulate matter, very high VOC values and low humidity. Once again, the data was monitored live on the smartphone via the air-Q app during the test and then evaluated again using a statistics program on the PC (diagram).
When the air-Q sounded the alarm with the red LED lights, we started the HYLA water hoover. The evaluation on the computer showed that the HYLA EST both reduced the particulates load and raised the humidity. The water hoover ran for about 40 minutes. This halved the particulates load after about 15 minutes. After another 20 minutes, the particulates load in the room air returned to the original values.

In addition, the start-up of the hoover increased the absolute humidity, so that the breathing air in the room became much healthier. While the initial values were around 10.5 mg/m³, these rose rapidly to over 13 mg/m³ in the first half hour due to the HYLA. In the following 15 minutes, only a slight increase to 13.5 mg/m³ could be detected.
Result of our air-Q Lab
HYLA's air purifier also ensures that heavy air pollutants are reduced by half within 30 minutes. However, in contrast to the Venta AH902 K tested previously, the HYLA EST also affects the absolute humidity.