Close-up of cigarette smoke coming out of a woman's mouth with red make-up
Air quality

Test your knowledge about smoking: Can you tell the difference between myths & truths?

Smoking - a topic characterized by myths and half-truths. But how well do you really know the facts about tobacco consumption, the health consequences and the benefits of not smoking? Take part in our smokers' quiz and test your knowledge.


Undine Jaehne



air-Q smoking quiz: Test your knowledge about smoking and its effects now

Are you an expert on smoking, or are there any surprises? Many people think they know, but the reality is often different. Here's your chance to put your knowledge to the test. Take part in our exciting smoking quiz and find out what you really know about smoking. Whether you are a smoker, ex-smoker or non-smoker: This quiz will provide you with fascinating insights.

If you are looking for more information about the consequences of smoking or tips on quitting, you can find it at

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What are the health risks associated with smoking?
Smoking is a major risk factor for numerous diseases. It increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, various types of cancer (especially lung cancer) and strokes. Smoking can also weaken the immune system and contribute to a general deterioration in health.
How does smoking affect your appearance?
Smoking also has an effect on your appearance: Skin ageing is accelerated, which can lead to premature wrinkles and a sallow complexion. In addition, teeth and nails can become discolored due to the chemicals contained in cigarettes and there is an increased risk of gum disease.
How dangerous is passive smoking?
Passive smoking, i.e. inhaling tobacco smoke in the environment, is harmful to health. It can cause acute symptoms such as irritation of the respiratory tract, coughing, burning eyes and headaches. In the long term, it increases the risk of serious illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, cardiovascular diseases and various types of cancer.
What are the arguments in favor of effective non-smoker protection?
Comprehensive non-smoker protection protects the health of the population, reduces exposure to passive smoking and promotes a smoke-free environment, especially for children and young people. It also helps smokers to give up smoking and contributes to reducing the health costs associated with smoking.
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