air-Q air meter next to smartphone with the air-Q smartphone app open
Air quality

air-Q with many new functions for monitoring air quality

We are constantly working on new functions and improvements for the air-Q. The hardware of the device still offers a lot of possibilities for this - so there will be many more updates for better air.


Isabel Rüger & Mario Körösi



Normally we inform about news around air quality, air pollutants and indoor climate in our blog. This time we would like to present the current developments around our air measuring device in a short article and also give a small roadmap for the next functions.

With the current update, we have incorporated customer feedback from the past months and have been able to take a big step forward. Now there are a number of innovations that simplify access to the air quality data, settings and the general handling of the air-Q.

The following innovations exist:

All measured values for air quality also on the unit website

The air-Q regularly receives updates to the device firmware - this is the software that runs on the air-Q meter itself and controls all measurement processes around the air quality sensors. This includes calibration and the calculation of the air quality health/performance index. The air-Q also runs a simple device website that allows various basic settings to be made - e.g. configuring the WLAN settings and the device password.

A new feature is the possibility to display the measured values of the air sensors of the air-Q on the device website. The air-Q app does not have to be installed for this. This enables greater independence from the app, which could be particularly interesting for schools or some companies.

New methods of device set-up

The smartphone app (iOS and Android) has also been revised. For example, the WLAN configuration of the air-Q is the first function our customers come into contact with. Since there are many different smartphones with different technical requirements, we have expanded the setup options. Also new: the improved integration of the "direct connection" - i.e. the use of the air-Q air measuring device without a router, i.e. a direct connection between the air-Q and the smartphone.

Revision of the settings

The current smartphone app (05.05.2021) was completely revised - both visually and in terms of content. In addition, the software architecture was prepared for further online functions.

Screen of a smartphone screen with the air settings of the air meter air-Q app:
Revised settings

There are many new settings that significantly expand the function of the air-Q - for example:

LED themes & acoustic signals

The LED themes that have been available for our air-Q Science customers for some time are now also adjustable for everyone in the smartphone app. With the LED themes for particulates carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, VOC and noise, it is possible to assign each side of the LEDs on the air-Q its own sensor value or to use our air-Q air quality indices.

Furthermore, it is now also possible to individually set a warning tone for exceeding or falling below certain measured values. For example, it is easy to set the air-Q to emit a short acoustic signal when the limit of 1,000 ppm (parts per million) carbon dioxide (CO₂) is exceeded. A longer / louder / higher signal is emitted when 2,000 ppm CO₂ is exceeded. This makes it possible to monitor the indoor air quality even better according to your own specific needs.

air-Q air meter displays the CO2 and VOC levels and emits a warning tone when the measured values are exceeded
In our office, the CO₂ level is displayed on the left and the VOC level on the right.

Further functions and roadmap

Simplifications have been made in the connection of the air-Q Cloud - i.e. the way in which the data of the air-Q is optionally transferred to the Cloud - as well as the calibration functions. A complete list of firmware improvements can now also be accessed in the app.

Some important foundations have now been laid for the next versions, which will make it possible to quickly add further functions. Planned are:

  • Better export functions for the measurement data in the air-Q Cloud
  • Push messages (smartphone and e-mail)
  • Integration of further online Smart Home standards, in addition to the already functional offline Smart Home standards such as openHAB.

If you don't want to miss any news regarding the firmware, subscribe to our newsletter or follow our social media channels.

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What new features are there with the latest air-Q update?
The update improves access to measured values, simplifies settings and optimizes the handling of the air-Q.
Can measured values now be viewed without the app?
Yes, all measured values for air quality can now be called up directly on the air-Q device website - the app is no longer absolutely necessary.
Why is the new device website particularly interesting for schools and companies?
As no app installation is necessary, measured values can be viewed easily via a browser, regardless of personal smartphones.
What improvements have been made to the air-Q setup?
- Extended Wi-Fi configuration options for better compatibility with different smartphones. - Improved direct connection between air-Q and smartphone without a router.
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.