Measuring device air-Q Radon in front of gray background with blue Neu sticker on the right and air-Q logo on the left side of the picture
Air quality

air-Q Radon: Your intelligent air analyzer for reliable radon measurements

Radon releases radioactive particles (so-called alpha radiation) when it decays. This is the main cause of lung cancer in non-smokers! Our new air-Q Radon measuring device monitors the dangerous noble gas in real time, checks other sources of pollutants in your indoor spaces and gives you tips for optimal indoor air. We present it.


Undine Jaehne



What is radon?

Radon (Rn) is a radioactive chemical element and with a mass of 9.73 mg/cm³ is one of the heaviest gases. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless and occurs as different types of atoms (isotopes). All isotopes are radioactive. The most stable, naturally occurring isotope 222Rnhas a half-life of 3.8 days.

Radon enters buildings from the soil or building ground. How high the concentration is in the room depends on this:

  • how much radon is in the soil & is released
  • how permeable the subsoil is
  • how the building is built
  • how often the rooms are ventilated

What are the health risks associated with excessive Rn concentrations?

In poorly ventilated closed rooms, the radioactive gas can accumulate and lead to increased radon exposure, which is a health hazard. Smokers are particularly at risk, as the carcinogenic properties of radon and tobacco smoke reinforce each other. However, even among non-smokers, radon is cited as a major cause of lung cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), radiation levels between 100 and 200 Bq/m³ already significantly increase the risk of lung cancer. Studies show that the risk increases by 10% for every 100 Bq/m³. The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection recommends taking precautionary measures to reduce radon concentrations above 100 Bq/m³.

This is how radon affects health:

  • Cell damage to the lungs
  • Hereditary mutations
  • Lung cancer

Detect radon with the air-Q

If you want to protect yourself from the health effects of radon, you need to determine the concentration of the colorless and odorless gas in your rooms. With the air-Q Radon, you can measure the radiation exposure reliably and quickly in a matter of seconds or in long-term measurements. In addition to the radon measurement value, the new air-Q Radon 7 records other measured values via dedicated sensors: CO₂, air temperature, relative and absolute humidity, dew point, air pressure and volatile organic compounds (VOC). A separate, high-quality sensor is installed in the measuring device for each measured value so that the air-Q can precisely differentiate between the various measured variables.

Therefore, you can use the air-Q Radon both as a measuring instrument for the radioactive gas and as an air analyzer for important measured values.

The air-Q Radon also impresses with an unbeatable price-performance ratio: it is one of our affordable measuring devices and has a comparable range of sensors to our air-Q light. Using the air-Q smartphone app, you can display all measured values as a diagram and over time and adjust your ventilation behavior accordingly.

Currently, the air-Q Radon is in the final stages of development. From summer this year you will receive our new measuring device: As a pre-orderer you will get a discount and a surprise.

Your advantages with an air-Q Radon at a glance:

  • German designed & manufactured radon sensor
  • Very high accuracy
  • many other sensors already included in the device
  • short measuring intervals of 10 seconds 
  • Simultaneous display of two measured values by LED bars
  • Cloud storage
  • USB port
  • Offline use
  • Smart app with significantly more functions than comparable devices
  • Integrated health advisor and AI algorithms that can analyze correlations
  • Alarm function & push notifications
  • Smart Home connectivity (Apple HomeKit via Homebridge, IFTTT, Home Assistant, FHEM, Homey, openHAB, ioBroker, Node-RED)
Radon measuring device air-Q Radon in front of gray background with the most important USPs as a list of advantages in white font white
The air-Q Radon radon measuring device will be available from this summer.

You will be able to borrow the air-Q Radon for a short-term air analysis in your rooms and determine radon levels. Achieve a much healthier indoor environment by detecting potential pollutant sources in real time. Our measuring devices alert you to potential sources of danger and the reaching of limit values via LED traffic light system on the device as well as push messages. Start your air analysis in summer 2023 and find out whether radon and other air pollutants are present in your indoor air.


Contribution image & other image: air-Q

NEW | our smart air-Q radon air analyzer
Check your radon exposure easily at home with the test winner


What is radon?
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that results from the decay of uranium in the ground. It can enter buildings through cracks in the ground or building materials and pollute the indoor air.
What are the health risks of excessive radon concentrations?
Radon and its decay products can enter the lungs when inhaled and increase the risk of lung cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies radon as the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking. It can also cause cell damage to the lungs and genetic changes.
Why should radon also be measured outside of radon protection areas?
Radon can occur anywhere, as local factors such as soil structure or building materials influence the concentration. Elevated radon levels have also been measured in supposedly safe areas.
How can I measure radon?
Radon measurements can be carried out using special measuring devices. These devices measure the radon concentration precisely over a defined period of time.
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.