Cleaning products such as detergent, spray bottle, sponge, cleaning gloves and a small bowl on a table against a gray background. Indoor air quality - avoiding pollutants like VOCs - what to look out for
Air quality

Indoor air quality in the house and flat - what to look out for

The pandemic leads to quarantine, contact and exit restrictions. Despite the approach of spring, we are spending more time indoors - and must be careful to stay fit and healthy. This article provides information on the sources of pollutants and how to improve indoor air quality.


Maria Heß



Although air quality is currently improving across the board due to less traffic and less industrial production, this does not mean that there are actually fewer pollutants in the air we breathe. The United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA ), for example, points out that indoor air pollution(indoor air quality) is two to five times higher than outdoor air pollution. In some cases, according to the EPA, indoor air pollution exceeds outdoor air pollution by a factor of 1,000.

This is precisely why it is currently even more important than usual to carefully protect one's own health and maintain performance despite greater opportunities for distraction than, for example, in the workplace.

What factors influence indoor air quality?

Indoor air quality is influenced by a variety of different factors. These include in particular:

Specifically, both too high and too low humidity can have a negative impact on the health and well-being of the occupants. Too high humidity favours mould growth and contributes to the proliferation of dust mites. Too low humidity, on the other hand, irritates the skins, mucous membranes and respiratory tract and thus increases the risk of infection.

VOCs are a particularly important factor, as there are a large number of possible sources of outgassing in rooms: Furniture, paints and wood preservatives, as well as adhesives, artificial air fresheners and all kinds of cleaning agents emit volatile organic substances.

The most common VOCs released in the home include:

  • Formaldehyde: This pungent gas commonly used in building materials is often found in floor varnishes, paints, adhesives,wallboard and plastics.
  • Ethanol: A colourless liquid that mixes easily with organic compounds, it is often found in glass cleaners,dishwashing detergents and laundry detergents.
  • Benzene: This flammable liquid with a sweet order is found in paint, glue, carpets and emissions from the combustion of petrol.
  • Acetone: A clear organic compound often found in nail polish remover, furniture polishes and wallpaper.
  • Toluene: Toluene is a clear liquid with a distinct odour and is often found in paints.
  • Butanol: A toxin commonly found in emissions from barbecues, burning candles, stoves and cigarettes.

How can the indoor air quality be improved sustainably?

The indoor air quality in a house or flat can normally be easily improved: It is essential to ensure good air exchange. To do this, open the windows wide several times a day, ideally creating a draught. If the outside air is sometimes heavily polluted (e.g. by rush-hour traffic or pollen), pay particular attention to the best time of day to ventilate. If necessary, it is also possible to open the room doors instead of the windows.

Depending on the room in question, different measures also help to improve the air quality:

  • Unpleasant odors in the living room should not be masked with artificial air fresheners, but their causes should be eliminated. Many people use kerosene candles to beautify their living room ambience, but these are made from petroleum and contain many harmful substances. Candles made from soy, coconut or beeswax are a more environmentally friendly alternative. Also look out for wicks made of cotton or wood, which burn soot-free.
  • In the bedroom , it is important to keep pets outside, as they can disturb your sleep and trigger allergies. Bear in mind that up to 1.5 million house dust mites can live in beds. It is therefore advisable to vacuum the bed regularly and change the bed linen. For a restful sleep, the room temperature should be between 16 and 18°C. Temperatures that are too high lead to restlessness, while temperatures that are too low can cause problems falling asleep.
  • In the kitchen , the window should be opened when cooking if there is no extractor hood. Pay attention to the ingredients of cleaning products and give preference to allergy-friendly and fragrance-free products that release fewer volatile organic compounds. Care should also be taken with cooking utensils: Many households use pans with damaged coatings, which can release toxic substances when heated. Consider replacing these with more robust ceramic alternatives.
  • In the bathroom , doormats attract mites, mold and bacteria. It is therefore better to dry off directly in the shower and give each family member their own towel. Store make-up and medicines outside the bathroom, as high humidity and heat can affect their shelf life. Pay attention to the choice of cleaning agents here too, as even harmless cleaners can trigger problematic chemical reactions when combined with others, such as toilet cleaners and bleach.

In general, good air exchange should also be ensured when cleaning. Instead of using cleaning products as sprays, liquid or solid products can be used. Always pay attention to the ingredients of cleaning products. For products labeled as hazardous, it is important to follow the instructions on the packaging carefully and take appropriate precautions. Ideally, store cleaning products in places that are rarely used by family members, such as storerooms or garages.

Innovative suppliers such as everdrop now offer cleaning products in tablet form to reduce plastic waste with reusable bottles. These products often boast more sustainable ingredients and protect the environment by reducing waste.

It is generally advisable to minimize the use of such cleaning agents in order to protect indoor air quality. Tried and tested, environmentally friendly household remedies such as potassium soaps, traditional hard soaps, baking soda or white vinegar can often be just as effective.

With all these measures, the goal of "good indoor air" can be achieved. True to the motto: Odourless air is the healthiest air.

(Image: Pixabay / Michael Tarionov)

Indoor air quality in the house and flat - what to look out for
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