Collage of several pictures of baby crib, mother with baby in her arms and text "Experience of a customer: pregnancy & fear of harmful substances after renovation"
Use Case

Use case: Monitoring air quality during pregnancy

A lot changes during pregnancy, including the sense of smell. One of our customers suffered from a particularly sensitive pregnant nose and therefore wanted to know exactly whether the air in her home was clean and therefore healthy for her and her baby. We report on her experiences here.


Undine Jaehne



Aim: Recognizing the causes of unpleasant odours during pregnancy

Due to water damage caused by a burst pipe in the bathroom at the beginning of the pregnancy, mold had formed on the opposite wall in the bedroom. In addition, the floor was damp and the humidity was extremely high, sometimes exceeding 80%. The damage was repaired, but the pregnant woman was unable to rest and could hardly sleep peacefully in the bedroom. Despite the renovation work, she continued to notice unpleasant odors, which she classified as unhealthy for herself and the baby. She was unable to determine whether the cause of the odors was still mold spores, the newly laid floor, the wall paint or humidity. 

As those around her also noticed the change in odor, albeit much less intensely than she did, she wanted to get to the bottom of it. To do this, she used the air-Q air measuring device.

Method: Air measurement with the air-Q basic

We sent her the basic model air-Q basic "Formaldehyde Special" air analyzer with 11 sensors and the additional sensor for hydrogen sulphide. She tested the air quality in the bedroom and in two other places. Thanks to the LEDs, which can be dimmed or even switched off completely, she was able to sleep undisturbed.

air-Q air measuring device in a uniform with plants and decorative items
air-Q uses the LED displays to show the development of the air quality

Results: Reassuring readings for the pregnant woman

The analysis showed no harmful pollutants. The air analysis therefore reassured the pregnant woman. The suspected unhealthy air seemed to be due to our customer's sensitive sense of smell and therefore to a pregnancy-related malfunction of her nose.

She was able to read the health index in the air-Q smartphone app. The display of the safe air quality of 92% contributed significantly to a more relaxed situation for the pregnant woman. The other measurements also showed no abnormalities: The fluctuating readings were within the recommended limits. Even the air humidity remained below the expected limit values.

Screen evaluation diagram of the air-Q air measuring device in the air smartphone app
The health index of the air-Q indicates safe air quality

You can find the exact measurement results in our customer's experience report on the Terraveggia blog.

Conclusion on the air-Q

According to the pregnant woman, the air measurement using air-Q was able to give her the reassurance she had been lacking, so that she can sleep much more soundly in her bedroom again. For pregnant women and other people who are sensitive to odors, it is worth evaluating the air components: On the one hand, to identify pollutants and take countermeasures, and on the other, to clarify suspected disturbing factors and thus achieve peace of mind through certainty.

We offer various air measuring devices with different sensors so that you can test your indoor air for a wide range of pollutants.

If you do not want a constant but a temporary air measurement, the indoor air analysis with personal evaluation is suitable. We will send you the air-Q pro with 14 sensors worth EUR 579 for a one-week test phase. After returning the device, one of our air experts will provide you with a professional data evaluation with a summary of the data, detailed explanations and evaluations of the pollutant levels as well as individual tips for a better indoor climate.


Picture air-Q on the shelf: Source test person

Image Screen App: Source test person

NEW | air-Q pro with formaldehyde sensor
The air-Q pro is now brand new with integrated formaldehyde sensor


Why do pregnant women perceive unpleasant odors more intensely?
The sense of smell can change significantly during pregnancy. Many women report an increased sensitivity to odors that were previously inconspicuous. This can be triggered by hormonal changes.
Can mold continue to cause odors after water damage?
Yes, even after the removal of visible mold, microscopic spores or damp building materials can continue to give off odors. New floor coverings, wall paints or other building materials can also cause chemical vapors.
How was the air quality examined in this case?
The pregnant woman used the air-Q basic "Formaldehyde Special" with 11 sensors and an additional sensor for hydrogen sulphide. She tested the air in her bedroom and two other locations.
What were the results of the air measurement?
There are no elevated levels of pollutants, the humidity is within the normal range and the air quality was 92% (safe) according to the air-Q health index. The result reassured the pregnant woman, as the odor perception was probably due to a hormonal change.
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.