FAQ - a frequently asked question about the meter is:

FAQ air-Q pic

What is the service life of the air-Q / the sensors in the air-Q?


The service life of the air-Q depends on the service life of the individual sensors (see hardware) and is at least five years. The service life of the individual sensors depends on the respective measuring principle. Here are some examples:

  • particulates sensor measures the particles optically. No wear and tear.
  • Carbon monoxide sensor measures according to a chemical principle. Service life > ten years
  • Carbon dioxide sensor uses an optical measuring principle. No wear and tear.
  • Sulphur dioxide sensor > five years
  • Ozone sensor > five years
  • Oxygen sensor measures according to the principle of optical luminescence. Service life > 5 years
  • Nitrogen dioxide sensor measures electrochemically. Service life > 5 years
  • VOC sensor > ten years

The service life and durability of all sensors are specified in the data sheet.

air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.