AIRY flower pot with green plant in the background, air-Q air measuring device and smartphone with open air-Q app in the foreground
Air quality

Dream team for good indoor air: air-Q & our new partner AIRY

For good, healthy indoor air, it is important to keep an eye on the air quality and the pollutants present in the air. Air measuring devices such as the air-Q are suitable for this. Air measurement is followed by air purification. The AIRY air purification system is an effective and attractive option. We introduce you to our new partner.


Undine Jaehne



AIRY: air-Q partner for better indoor air quality 

AIRY brings high-tech and nature into your everyday life. The plant-based air purification system offers a green, natural method of reducing pollutants and improving the indoor climate. The specially designed, plant-based biofilters support plants in their natural ability to remove pollutants such as carbon dioxide (CO₂), formaldehyde, benzene and other volatile organic compounds from the air. The result: purified indoor air with a high oxygen content.

How does the AIRY system work?

The AIRY air purification system is based on the results of NASA research. The researchers discovered that certain plants with aerated roots can remove up to 90% of pollutants - even if their leaves are missing. The patented AIRY system uses this natural cleaning effect of plant roots and amplifies it.

Air-Q air measuring device and AIRY system as a diagram
The air-Q air measuring device & the AIRY system complement each other perfectly

This is how air purification with AIRY works:

  • Plant selection: AIRY uses certain plant species that are particularly efficient at absorbing pollutants from the air.
  • Special AIRY Pot: The AIRY system ensures that the roots of the plant are optimally ventilated by an increased air flow, allowing more harmful substances to reach the roots.
  • Air circulation: The room air is drawn into the AIRY Pot through side openings and flows through the root system, where the pollutants are broken down.
  • Filter mechanism: Plant roots and microorganisms work together in the soil, decomposing the pollutants absorbed and converting them into harmless substances through biochemical processes.

We tested whether and how the AIRY system works with our air measuring device. You can find the results of our test in our separate blog post.

air-Q & AIRY: how the systems complement each other to create good indoor air 

Good indoor air requires both knowledge of what is in the air and a reliable cleaning system that reduces pollutants. This is where the air-Q air measuring device and the plant-based biofilters complement each other.

Air quality measurement with air-Q

With its high-precision sensors, the air-Q air measuring device continuously monitors the air quality in your rooms. This provides you with real-time data on various air parameters such as CO₂, particulates, VOCs and many other pollutants. Depending on the model, you can detect up to 15 air components.

Air purification & air improvement with AIRY

The AIRY biofilters efficiently remove pollutants from the air and increase the humidity at the same time. The result is a pleasant indoor climate - completely natural and sustainable.

Office air analysis for a good indoor climate at the workplace

Numerous factors play a role in health and optimum performance in the workplace, including air quality. For example, pollutants can cause fatigue and concentration problems or cause illness themselves. In addition to increased exposure to pathogens in a poorly ventilated office, an estimated 20 to 30 % of sick days can be attributed to sick building syndrome.

An air-Q office air analysis can help. During a 14-day measurement phase and on the basis of the subsequent evaluation, you will find out which harmful factors are present in your workplace. You can measure their development and influence and develop solutions together with our experts. The analysis not only shows the composition of the office air, but also reveals energy wastage due to open windows or inefficient heating. Office air analysis can ultimately even save money!

This is how our office air analysis works!

WELL certification with air-Q & AIRY

The WELL Building certification evaluates buildings according to criteria that focus on the well-being and health of users. One of the central components of the internationally recognized evaluation system is air quality. Our air-Q is certified for the WELL seal. This means that the presence of the air measuring device helps to ensure that your building or company meets the criterion of a healthy (working) environment. The AIRY system also supports a pleasant, clean indoor climate. 

Read more about WELL certification now


With the help of the AIRY system, the natural air purification by plants can be increased many times over and the pollutant content in the indoor air can be significantly reduced. Thanks to the combination of design and functionality, AIRY offers an aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly solution for clean air indoors. Together with the air-Q, synergies are created for healthy indoor air - both in the home and at the workplace. We would be happy to provide you with detailed information and advice on how to integrate the air measuring device and the AIRY system in your rooms, implement an office air analysis or strive for WELL certification. Simply contact us.

Dream team for good indoor air: air-Q & our new partner AIRY
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.