STrandAir quality at the Baltic Sea - particulates air-Q readings in Brook
Test measurements

Air quality at the seaside: air-Q measures elevated particulates levels at the Baltic Sea

What do you associate with a holiday at the Baltic Sea? Sun, sea, beach and the fresh, good sea air perhaps? We took the air-Q with us on holiday and measured surprisingly high particulates values on the coast.


Isabel Rüger



The vacation spot was the district of Brook, in the municipality of Kalkhorst in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. There, the air-Q was set up in the apartment. Due to the pleasant temperatures of around 23 degrees on average, the door and windows were often open and the rooms were therefore well ventilated. With a consistently very high humidity level of almost 80 percent, this was also necessary.

Google Maps map including Baltic Sea region location pin
The village of Brook on the Baltic Sea coast (image source: google maps)

particulates at the Baltic Sea

In the period from August 10 - 15, an air-Q Pro recorded 14 different measured values, including particulates in the different sizes PM₁, PM₂,₅ and PM₁₀. With particulates , the finer the particles, the deeper they can penetrate into the bloodstream and thus into the lungs, heart and, according to the latest studies, the brain, causing lasting damage.

The particulate matter values PM₂,₅ were selected and evaluated as examples. Since particulates PM₂,₅ can penetrate even deeper into the body and respiratory tract, the Federal Environment Agency has set an annual limit value of 25 μg/m³. For comparison - for the larger PM₁₀, an annual average value of 40 μg/m³ and a daily limit value of 50 μg/m³ applies.

Diagram development of particulate matter between 10.08. and 15.08.20
Development of particulate matter PM₂,₅ over time (image source: air-Q Cloud)

The results of the measurement course show that the particulate matter values were initially very high, especially on the first day, with up to 47 μg/m³. In the course of the second day, the values slowly decreased to more harmless levels until they finally reached an absolute low on 12 August, the third day there. With only slight fluctuations, particulate matter levels averaged below 10 μg/m³ on 12 and 13 August, until they rose steadily again from 14 August, reaching their maximum value of 43 μg/m³ one day later, before dropping slightly again. However, they still did not reach the low values of the previous days, but settled at around 35 μg/m³.

Conclusion: strongly increased particulate matter values

The measured values show that the air quality in relation to the particulatesin Brook on the Baltic Sea was not ideal. For the causes of these high values, only hypotheses can be made without more in-depth analyses. For example, the port of Lübeck is close to the measurement site and the ships arriving via Travemünde and their combustion exhaust gases can be seen from far away. At the beginning of the measurement, the wind blew mostly from the northwest, but later shifted to the northeast. It seems reasonable to assume that the wind blowing from the direction of the ships' entry lane carried the unfortunately largely unfiltered emissions from the ships towards the holiday resort at the beginning of the measurement. The improvement of the particulate matter values over the period correlated with the change in the wind in a north-easterly direction, which the air-Q immediately recorded. Further analyses on the coasts and near ports are definitely in order. In this respect, we would be pleased to receive air-Q measurement protocols for a joint evaluation.


Would you also like to measure the particulates values or your indoor air? You can order the air analyser in our online shop.

Check indoor air yourself with our smart air-Q
Measure for yourself with our air measuring device with 14 sensors from Germany


Where was the air-Q used?
The air-Q was installed in the apartment in the district of Brook, municipality of Kalkhorst, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, on the Baltic Sea coast. The average temperature was 23 degrees and the rooms were well ventilated due to the high humidity (almost 80 %).
What was measured during the test?
The air-Q recorded various measured values, including particulates in the sizes PM₁, PM₂,₅ and PM₁₀. The focus was on the fine dust values PM₂,₅, which can penetrate deeper into the body and are considered harmful to health.
How did the particulate matter levels develop during the test?
On the first day, particulate matter levels were very high at up to 47 μg/m³. From the second day onwards, the values slowly fell to harmless levels and reached a low of less than 10 μg/m³ on August 12 and 13. From August 14, the values rose again, but did not reach the high values of the first day and leveled off at around 35 μg/m³.
What could be the cause of the high levels of particulate matter?
Possible causes for the high particulate matter levels could be the proximity to the port of Lübeck and the emissions from ships carried by the wind in the direction of Brook. The wind shifted later, which correlated with the improvement in particulate matter levels.
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.