Collage 3 in 1 alarm system air-Q: air measuring device with smartphone in the middle, Sartphone with video surveillance on the left, burning house on the top right, gas flame on gas stove below.
Air quality

air-Q alarms: These alarms are offered by our air meter

In critical situations, seconds count: For example, if gas escapes, a spark begins to smolder or someone gains unauthorized access to your property. The air-Q monitors the air components to the second. If certain values are exceeded or not reached, the air-Q sounds an alarm. We explain in more detail which alarms the measuring device offers.


Undine Jaehne



Security for your property - with the air-Q alarms

Vacation time, second home, vacation rental, Airbnb apartment or storage units: you can't always be on site at your property. Nevertheless, you want to know for sure if everything is okay. An alarm system for your home using surveillance cameras is expensive. Moreover, video-based alarm systems film people without their consent. In some cases, such as when you rent out the premises, surveillance cameras cannot be used at all, because personal data will then be recorded without being asked - this is NOT compliant with current data protection regulations.

The air-Q air meter supports you completely without camera monitoring and is DSGVO-compliant. It continuously measures the composition of the room air and evaluates it in real time. In case of dangerous situations or interesting events, the air-Q warns you immediately - and multidimensionally with various activatable alarms!

In hazardous situations, you will receive the following alarms (can be activated individually):

  • acoustically by sound signal
  • optical via LED traffic light display
  • Push notification
  • E-mail
Graphic air-Q in the center, around the Luftssgerät are positioned the 4 alarms clockwise audible, email, LED signal, push message
The air-Q multichannel warning system sends alarms in different ways

In case of smoke development, fire, life-threatening amounts of carbon monoxide or methane (heating gas) or even signs of unauthorized access, the air-Q emits a loud tone and sends a push or mail notification. This way you will always know what is going on in your property.

The air-Q alarms are suitable for monitoring the following properties:

  • Vacation & second homes
  • Garden houses
  • Airbnb apartments
  • Homes & apartments when you are absent for a long time (vacation or similar).
  • Storage rooms
  • Caravan & Camper outside the travel season

In the air-Q app, you can activate or deactivate all alarms by slider and specify the ways in which you want to receive the notification. The air-Q offers the following alarms in detail.

air-Q fire alarm 

The air-Q contains an integrated fire alarm (or smoke alarm). If the stored threshold values for carbon monoxide (CO), air temperature and particulates (PM₁ - PM₂,₅ - PM₁₀) are exceeded, both an acoustic and a visual alarm is triggered on the device.

Since the air-Q offers a very fine as well as precise fire/smoke alarm, it is an ideal supplement for your existing statutory smoke detector. Because it detects potentially dangerous situations clearly and possibly decisively earlier.

In addition, you can configure further individual notifications completely freely. For example, you can also freely set a smoke alarm and thus find out whether people are smoking in your property without permission. This function is particularly interesting for apartments that are to be offered as smoke-free vacation homes. If you offer guests in your Airbnb apartment a self-check-in and check-out option, you can use the alarm to determine whether the windows have been closed or the heating turned off after departure. And without expensive camera surveillance!

air-Q gas alarm

If there are gas appliances in your property, it is worth purchasing a gas detector. The air-Q checks the gas content in the air and reacts sensitively to various hazardous air components. A gas leak can quickly have devastating effects. This is because many gases are not visible by smell or visual changes. Nevertheless, the gases can quickly spread unnoticed and build up to a dangerous or even explosive concentration. A gas detector like the air-Q detects all air components and monitors closely. Even unknown gases can be detected (indirectly via the monitoring of the oxygen value, which is always included in the gas alarm) and an alarm can be given.

Monitoring by means of an air measuring device is also suitable for pellet stores. This is because the wood pellets can form carbon monoxide. If you breathe in the odorless, non-irritating and thus hardly perceptible gas, you risk fatal poisoning. Place the air meter in your pellet store, it will measure the CO concentration and warn you of impending poisoning.

The air-Q gas alarm is triggered when relevant measured values such as oxygen (O₂), ozone (O₃), nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), ammonia (NH₃), chlorine/chlorine gas (Cl₂), hydrogen sulfide (H₂S ) or methane (CH₄ ) are exceeded or fallen below. If the measured values fall or rise alarmingly, the gas detector emits its acoustic and visual signal and sends you a message on the stored channels.

For more information about the fire and gas alarm thresholds, see our separate page. 

air-Q access alarm

Our latest alarm is the access alarm. It enables remote monitoring and intrusion protection of real estate in a privacy-compliant manner, as only air values are measured and analyzed, and no video recordings are made via surveillance camera or other personal data is collected. Once the new access alarm is activated, a smart background service checks for changes in the indoor air. The air value-based alarm system for your home now strikes when there is a significant change in the situation and a person has been detected. The alarm can be activated remotely, for example, during absences such as vacations or vacancies.

Over the close-meshed interval of ~ 1.8 seconds, the sensors continuously scan the air components. The detector detects all relevant air parameters via the integrated noise and CO₂ sensors. This allows you to determine in real time whether a person is present in your premises or not.

Sensitive sensors are able to perceive even the smallest change in air. In this way, changes in the composition of the room air are detected at an early stage. For example, if a person gains unauthorized access. The measuring device detects this on the basis of the CO₂ values, which rise as a result of the exhalation of one or more people, or as a result of noise. The sensitive sensors can even identify an opening door based on the air quality. In these cases, the security system emits both a visual and an acoustic signal that acts as a deterrent to burglars. In this way, the air-Q provides reliable burglary protection. In addition, you receive a warning message via the channels of your choice.

We recommend that you activate the burglar alarm only when you will actually not be in the property for a longer period of time. Otherwise, you will trigger the alarm yourself as soon as you enter your premises again. A suitable location for the alarm is the living room or other rooms where people will be staying for a longer period of time. We do not recommend installing the alarm in the hallway, as this room is only a passageway and burglars stay here for a much shorter period of time than in other rooms.

You will also receive a push notification when the air-Q switches off. This could be caused, for example, by a power failure caused by a storm in the vacation region.

When monitoring your property, you can do without a large alarm system with integrated video surveillance, which is associated with high costs: both in the purchase and in the maintenance. Keep an uncomplicated eye on your property from anywhere. Although the air-Q is not a classic alarm device for your home, but with the sensitive sensors and the various alarms, it offers you a fine-grained air analysis with integrated multi-alarm system. Via smartphone app or air-Q web app you monitor the air components and always know if everything is okay or if you need to take action.


Contributed image: Adventure_Photo from Getty Images Signature, RyanKing999, Chepko from Getty Images/

more pictures: air-Q; rcphotostock/

NEW | smart warning detector measures harmful gases
air-Q detects dangers such as smoke, gas leaks, break-ins and pollutants at an early stage for maximum safety


What is the air-Q Alarm?
The air-Q Alarm is an air measuring device that measures the composition of indoor air and evaluates it in real time. It warns of dangerous situations such as smoke, gas leaks or unauthorized access with acoustic, visual and digital notifications.
How is the air-Q Alarm used for real estate security?
The air-Q is suitable for monitoring vacation homes, second homes, storage rooms or even mobile homes when you are away. It offers a data protection-compliant solution without surveillance cameras by detecting and reacting to changes in the air.
What alarms does the air-Q offer?
The air-Q offers various alarms such as fire alarms (for smoke, CO and particulates), gas alarms (for hazardous gases such as methane, CO or ammonia) and access alarms (for unauthorized access based on air changes).
How does the air-Q access alarm work?
The access alarm detects changes in the room air that are triggered by a person, such as rising CO₂ values due to exhalation or the emergence of noise. In the event of unauthorized access, the alarm triggers and sends a notification.
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.