Male hand holding a blue e-cigarette, top left is the no smoking symbol
Test measurements

Secret vaping in the school toilet or in public buildings: how e-cigarettes affect air quality

Vaping is becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. This brings with it challenges regarding the health of minors and the air quality in indoor spaces such as schools and public buildings. But how does vapor affect the composition of the air and how can these changes be measured?


Undine Jaehne



Possible effects on air quality due to e-shishas

Secret vaping in the school bathroom or in secluded corners of libraries and offices is not uncommon. One problem with vaping is the fragrant vapor of vape liquids. This perfumed vapor can smell pleasant at first and is therefore often not immediately perceived as a nuisance. In some cases, it is even interpreted as a kind of fragrant cosmetic. This perception can lead to indoor vaping being taken less seriously, even though the chemical components of the vapor can have a significant impact on air quality. This is because despite the misleading, pleasant smell, e-cigarettes emit harmful substances. We wanted to know how much the air composition is affected by e-shishas. To do this, we carried out a self-test.

The air-Q practical example "Imitated school situation"

In our current test, we used the air-Q air measurement device to monitor indoor air quality while smoking an e-cigarette. The experiment was conducted in a small 24.5 m² office space to mimic a school situation. Due to the size of the room, we were able to simulate the spatial conditions of a school toilet.

Before the experiment, we ventilated the room for approx. 20 minutes. During this time, particulates entered the room through the nearby main road and the measured value rose from less than 1 µm/m³ to over 2 µm/m³. The room was then closed for almost an hour and was not entered. The particulate matter value returned to its initial value shortly before the start of the test. During the test, two people vaped and each took three puffs on their e-cigarettes. This short smoking interval was intended to mimic the behavior of young people when vaping in secret and thus realistically depict the situation.

air-Q Lab: Development of particulates PM 10 when vaping

Vaping began shortly after 11 am. At this time, the particulate matter concentration (PM10) was just above 1 µm/m³. First, we look at the change in particulate matter concentration. The focus here was on the concentration of particulate matter, especially PM10, whose particles have a diameter of 10 micrometers or less, penetrate deep into the lungs and can be harmful to health.

After just two minutes, the immediate effect of vaping is visible and increased sharply. The peak reached almost 4 µm/m³. Shortly afterwards, the values quickly began to fall again. After the peak value was reached and dropped again, fluctuations can be seen. However, the fluctuations only reached maximum values of around 1.5 µm/m³. These are typical for rooms in which smaller quantities of vapor are repeatedly released without a renewed massive emission taking place.

By the end of the test at 12:30 p.m., particulate matter levels had returned to the initial value of 1 µm/m³. This shows that the increased concentration of PM10 particles caused by vaping was temporary and that the air quality returned to normal after a certain period of time without further vapour release.

Evaluation chart air-Q air measurement particulates
particulate matter pollution increases significantly in the air-Q test measurement when vaping

air-Q Lab: Development particulates PM 2.5 for vaping

The smaller particulate matter, PM₂,₅, showed similar behavior during the test. The smaller particles also rose sharply during the same period. The measured value reached a peak of around 3 µm/m³ instead of 4 µm/m³ for the larger particles. Analogous to the drop in the previous particulate matter value, the PM₂,₅ value also drops rapidly after reaching the maximum value. After that, the evaluation also shows an unsteady curve and levels off at around 0.5 µm/m³ at the end of the test.

Evaluation chart air-Q air measurement particulates
The proportion of small particulate matter also increases when vaping

air-Q Lab: Development of real humidity during vaping

In addition to the particulate matter concentration, the relative humidity in the room was also measured in order to comprehensively analyze the effects of vaping on the indoor air. Before ventilation at 9:52 a.m., the relative humidity in the room was around 54%. When ventilation was started, the relative humidity quickly dropped to 48%. This corresponds to a percentage drop of around 11.1 %. After this low point was reached, the humidity rose constantly until almost the original value of 54 % was reached again. After the ventilation ended, the relative humidity dropped slightly to around 53% before vaping began.

During vaping, the relative humidity rose rapidly to 56 % within just three minutes. This represents a percentage increase of around 5.7 %. After this rapid increase, the relative humidity dropped back to the initial value of 53 % within around four minutes and remained stable at this level until the end of the experiment.

Evaluation chart air-Q air measurement humidity
Humidity increases when vaping

air-Q Lab: Development of carbon dioxide (CO₂) during vaping

A key aspect of air quality monitoring is measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO₂) in the air, measured in parts per million (ppm). This unit indicates the number of CO₂ molecules per million air molecules and is an important indicator of the air quality and ventilation of a room. Before ventilation began, the CO₂ concentration in the room was around 810 ppm. At the start of ventilation, the CO₂ reading briefly rose to 825 ppm. This corresponds to a percentage increase of around 1.9 %. After this initial increase, the CO₂ concentration fluctuated until the value leveled off at around 820 ppm. After ventilation, the CO₂ value continued to rise slightly to around 825 ppm.

A deflection was also observed with the air-Q air measuring device in relation to the measured value of carbon dioxide. During vaping, the CO₂ concentration rose rapidly to 900 ppm within just three minutes, which corresponds to a percentage increase of around 9.1%. The maximum value was reached at around 11:18.

After this rapid increase, the exposure fell back to an excessive value of 875 ppm within about four minutes and stabilized at this concentration. The average level of the measured value was 835 ppm.

Evaluation chart air-Q air measurement CO2
The CO2 content increases when smoking e-cigarettes

The recommended upper limit for CO₂ indoors is around 1000 ppm. Levels above this can lead to health problems such as headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. The observed increase in vaping, which reached almost 900 ppm, is dangerously close to this limit.

air-Q Lab: Effects of steaming on the VOC concentration

We use a different room to measure the development of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during the smoking of e-cigarettes. The room in which we carried out the previous tests is used as a warehouse for cardboard boxes. However, the packaging material stored there emits VOCs, which could falsify the VOC value of the experiment. For clearer results, we therefore opted for a neutral test location (for this measured value).

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are volatile organic compounds that are released into the air from various sources and can be harmful to health. Before the test began, the VOC concentration in the room was around 150 ppm. When the steaming started at around 11:30 a.m., there was a clear but less rapid increase in the VOC concentration compared to the other measured values. The increase was rather constant and even. After a continuous increase, the VOC reading peaked at around 11:36 a.m. at around 225 ppm. This corresponds to a percentage increase of around 50 %.

After the exposure doubled, the VOC value fell slightly and reached a brief low of around 220 ppm at around 11:38. The VOC exposure then rose again continuously. Towards the end of the test at 11:54 a.m., the air-Q air measuring device measured a VOC content of around 240 ppm. This represents a total increase of 60 % from the start to the end of the test.

Evaluation chart air-Q air measurement VOC
Vaping doubles the VOC content

The recommended limits for VOCs in indoor environments vary, but many guidelines, including the German Federal Environment Agency, set the safe limit at around 200 to 400 ppm. The VOC concentrations observed during the test increased significantly and reached 240 ppm, which is in the higher range of the recommended limit.


The results of the test show that vaping indoors leads to a significant increase in all the measured values examined. These changes can not only affect the health of those who regularly spend time in these rooms, but can also disrupt the functioning of sensitive technical devices. Our evaluation makes it clear that the vapor contains both particulates and relative humidity as well as CO₂ utilization and VOC exposure significantly. Regular vaping in closed rooms could therefore lead to a permanent increase in the concentration of pollutants, which could be harmful to health in the long term. Various health effects are possible, including irritation of the respiratory tract, headaches, dizziness, poor concentration, loss of performance and long-term damage to health in the event of long-term exposure.

It is therefore advisable to regulate vaping indoors and to take measures to monitor and improve air quality in order to protect the health of the people in the room. Overall, it is clear that monitoring indoor air quality is an important step in addressing the challenges posed by vaping. With accurate measurements, the immediate effects on air quality can be identified and clandestine smoking can be detected.

Air measuring devices such as the air-Q offer a way of detecting pollutant concentrations and thus taking targeted measures to protect health and safety indoors. Schools and public institutions can thus not only improve air quality, but also take preventative steps to stop secret vaping.

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What dangers are associated with vaping for young people?
Vaping can pose various health risks for young people. E-cigarettes contain nicotine, which can be addictive and can affect brain development in adolescents. In addition, e-liquids often contain other chemicals that are potentially harmful to health. The long-term effects of vaping have not yet been fully researched, but existing studies show that there are health risks that should not be ignored.
How can schools take effective action against vaping on their premises?
Schools can take a number of measures to prevent vaping on their premises. These include implementing and enforcing clear school policies that prohibit vaping, as well as running regular education campaigns about the dangers of e-cigarettes. Anti-vaping campaigns, addiction prevention programs and training for teachers are also effective measures. The installation of high-quality air measuring devices is recommended for indoor areas.
Can you measure vape smoke or vape vapor?
Yes, the smoke or vapor emitted by e-shishas and vapes can be measured using special air measuring devices. These devices are able to detect the concentration of pollutants and chemical compounds in the air that are released by vaping. They can help to monitor indoor air quality and determine if vape vapor is present in a particular area. This can be useful to ensure compliance with rules banning e-cigarettes and e-shisha on school premises.
Should vaping be banned in schools?
Yes, schools may prohibit the smoking or vaping of e-cigarettes on school premises. The ban on vaping in schools is based both on legal regulations governing the use of nicotine products in public facilities and on specific school regulations. Schools can also issue their own house rules to prohibit vaping on their premises, thus supplementing and implementing legal requirements.
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