Person fills out online survey, in the foreground picture of air-Q founder Mario Körösi

air-Q founder Mario Körösi answers customer questions

We have been offering the air-Q for several years now. A lot has changed since the start. Time to find out what you like and what you don't like! As part of a survey in our newsletter, we wanted to find out what topics concern our customers and people interested in air quality, what they would like to see and where there is room for improvement.


Undine Jaehne



In the following interview, air-Q founder and CEO Mario Körösi answers the customer inquiries he has received and provides an outlook on future developments. Questions about product features, desired sensors, functions and solutions for air quality problems are answered. Find out directly from the boss what the future holds for air-Q and what is planned.

Mario Körösi: First of all, I must thank the participants. We are delighted that our customers participated so actively in the survey. It gave us some interesting insights. There were also many good ideas that we would not have come up with on our own and that help us to adapt the air-Q even better to your wishes. Below I will go into a selection of the questions that came up in the survey.

‍Question: If customers already own an air-Q: Which sensors were of particular interest to you at the time of purchase?

Mario Körösi: There is a clear ranking list when it comes to the sensors that are decisive for purchasing. Most customers are interested in our nitrogen dioxide sensor. Many individual sensors were mentioned in the comments, which are listed in the chart under "Other".

Statistical analysis of the survey "If you already own an air-Q: Which sensors were of particular interest to you when you bought it?"
Results of the purchase-deciding sensors

We have changed the basic equipment of the various air-Q models somewhat over time, which distorts the statements in the prefabricated answers somewhat. 

We would of course like to find out more and invite everyone to send us their wishes. The air-Q is extremely flexible and can be upgraded with all conceivable sensors. If there is a particularly high level of interest in a sensor, there is nothing to stop it being integrated into a pre-assembled air-Q model.

Question: Which additional sensors would customers like to see in the air-Q?

Mario Körösi: There is a clear trend here: 82% want a sensor that does not contain the carcinogenic solvent formaldehyde in the ambient air and warns against it. Also of interest is methane, the main component of heating gas and ammonia, which frequently occurs in connection with fertilizers and factory farming.

Statistical analysis of the survey: "Which sensors would you like to see in future products?"
Results of customer requirements for future sensors

‍Inresponse to the survey, we were able to develop the air-Q basic formaldehyde at short notice at the end of the year and are currently planning to include it in our regular product range after the promotional period.

Question: Will the air-Q have sensors for radon and ultraparticulate matter and if so, what is the development status?

Mario Körösi: Our standard particulate matter sensor can already PM10 and PM2.5, our standard particulate matter sensor can also measure particles below 1 µg - even ultrafine dust. However, the sensor does not output ultrafine dust values individually, but adds up this pollution under the PM1 measured value in µg/m³. We are therefore planning to offer a further fine dust sensor for upgrading the air-Q in the near future. This will then also be able to record and output ultra-fine dust values (PM 0.1).

As the name suggests, the air-Q radon can measure the radioactive gas radon. We have developed our own radon sensor module for this purpose, which is significantly cheaper and at least as good as alternative products. Together with our electronics and software, we will be able to offer by far the best radon measuring device by far.

Question: Will there be an air-Q that can only measure CO₂ and is cheaper?

Mario Körösi: We manufacture high-endair measuring devices that offer more functions than a classic CO-traffic light and are also intended for a wider range of applications. In particular, our software (app/firmware) and the highly developed hardware and powerful microcontrollers are very expensive to develop and produce (in Germany). This is the only way that functions such as push messages and the high measurement frequency, upgradeability, etc. are even conceivable. However, we offer the air-Q light as an inexpensive entry-level product that also has a carbon dioxide sensor.

Question: Does the air-Q offer the option of configuring the sensors yourself and simply adding them later? 

Mario Körösi: Yes, the air-Q basic can be extended with 4 additional sensors. The models air-Q pro and science models are also expandable. Many customers already make use of the option to expand the air-Q basic and thus put together their own individual measuring device. This option is somewhat hidden in the store, as we don't want to confuse customers. Theoretically, there are several thousand possible combinations of sensors in an air-Q.

Question: Will there be an all-in-one device with Radon and all the sensors of the air-Q?

Mario Körösi: Our soon-to-be-released radon measuring device will also include CO₂, VOC, humidity, temperature and air pressure be included. The air-Q radon

focuses on radon and will not have any electrochemical sensors (NO2, SO2, H2S etc.). The device would otherwise be very large and quite expensive.

Question: How can you detect cigarette smoke with the air-Q?

Mario Körösi: The air-Q can detect many of the components of cigarette smoke measure. These are VOC, particulates, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. You can set the alarms (visual, audible or push) in the air-Q so that an alarm is triggered when limits are exceeded. The special "cigarette smoke alarm" preconfigured by us will soon be available in the "Smart alarms" in the air-Q app.

Question: Will there then also be sensors to detect or differentiate between tobacco smoke and cannabis smoke as well as harmful substances from e-cigarettes?

Mario Körösi: It will probably not be possible to differentiate between cigarette and cannabis smoke in the future either. However, we are currently working on a cigarette smoke-alarm. We have already tested the effects of e-cigarettes on air quality. You can read the results in our article on "Vaping in the home" to read the results.

Question: Will it be possible in future to detect mold spores in indoor air with the air-Q?

Mario Körösi: We are working on a mould alarm that analyzes values such as humidity, temperature and heating behavior and warns of mould in advance. Unfortunately, no measuring device can yet measure and accurately detect mold spores. Mold is in parts (but only in parts) particulates. This in turn can have many sources and it is not currently possible to classify it beyond its size.

However, we are already working with Chemnitz University of Technology as part of a joint research project on an extended particulate matter sensor that can also differentiate between types of particulate matter. Our vision here is to also be able to distinguish mold spores (from pollen and other industrial particulate matter). However, there is still a long way to go.

Question: Can the air-Q detect electromagnetic radiation or electrosmog?

Mario Körösi: We have already conducted several experiments on this topic. However, we have not yet been able to offer a perfect solution for measurement.

Question: How can the actual causes of e.g. NO₂ or particulates and other measured values be better determined?

Mario Körösi: We love this topic! We are working on it, but it is very complex. We already offer it in parts (e.g. with the planned cigarette smoke alarm or in indoor air analysis). We are also working on a virtual, AI-based health advisor that will recognize more and more correlations itself in the future. Stay tuned!

Question: When will air-Q provide the long-promised Matter support?

Mario Körösi: We are in the final stages. This standard is very demanding and we are endeavoring to integrate Matter by spring 2024.

Question: Can air-Q pro & science be used on loan for e.g. one week or one month for indoor air analysis?

Mario Körösi: Yes, that is possible. Because we have been offering an air analysis for some time now. In addition to the written evaluation, there is also a telephone conversation as part of the analysis, during which all questions can be clarified. We are also open to very individual requests.

Question: Will there be an air-Q with a built-in display?

Mario Körösi: A display would be nice, of course, but it would make the air-Q a lot more expensive. We have kept the design of the air-Q very simple in order to concentrate fully on the high-quality sensors and the smart app. Theoretically, however, you could display your own values via our smart widgets on a website or in a presentation. Then you wouldn't need a display on the air-Q itself.


Question: Will there be an air-Q with a battery?

Mario Körösi: Every air-Q can also be operated with a power bank. Our special edition already includes a suitable power bank and table stand for this purpose. This makes it a smart mobile safety assistant when traveling, in a vacation home or motorhome, for example.

Question: The air-Q often falls over or is unstable.

Mario Körösi: Due to our particularly stable and long cable, the stability of the air-Q actually suffers somewhat when it or the cable is moved. We are aware of this problem, which is why we recently introduced the table stand for the air-Q, which provides a stable stand even if the air-Q is moved frequently.

Question: Are there adjustable alarm sounds, warning sounds or special sounds for individual air pollutants? Is it perhaps even possible to upload your own sounds possible?

Mario Körösi: With the air-Q science this would even be possible now! The API gives you access to all the functions of the air-Q and you can program your own sounds. This requires a little technical expertise, but is feasible with our help. Unfortunately, we cannot integrate it into the standard series.

Question: Will there be an air-Q for outside? There are so many sensors in the air-Q - are there plans for some kind of air quality map? Products like AirVisual from IQAir offer this function.

Mario Körösi: The air-Q is an air measuring device for indoor use. The electrochemical sensors are very sensitive to humidity and temperature fluctuations and can lose calibration outdoors. To carry out a serious outdoor measurement, you would have to air-condition an outdoor measuring device. This raises the question of the reliability of the existing maps - if the values do not come from official measuring stations of the Federal Environment Agency, which operate appropriately air-conditioned stations.

But we could show what the air is like in German bedrooms. Wouldn't that be interesting? There is already a project for this, we just need volunteers. If you would like to measure the air quality in your room and show the data to others, you are welcome to take part in our "Alliance for good air quality in the bedroom" to take part.

air-Q: Thank you very much for the interview and the interesting insights.

Mario Körösi: Thank you very much for your extensive participation and positive feedback! Our team would also like to thank you for your suggestions and constructive criticism, as this is the only way we can improve and develop customer-oriented new functions and features.

Check indoor air yourself with our smart air-Q
Measure for yourself with our air measuring device with 14 sensors from Germany


Can the sensors in the air-Q itself be configured and expanded?
Yes. air-Q basic, for example, can be extended by up to four additional sensors. The air-Q pro and science models can also be expanded. This means that customers theoretically have thousands of possible sensor combinations to create their own individual measuring device.
Will there be an all-in-one device with Radon and all other sensors?
The upcoming air-Q radon will measure radon and also record CO₂, VOC, humidity, temperature and air pressure - but without the electrochemical sensors (e.g. NO₂, SO₂, H₂S). Otherwise, the device would be too large and expensive.
How can the air-Q detect cigarette smoke?
The air-Q measures numerous components of cigarette smoke, such as VOCs, particulates, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. For targeted monitoring, a specially preconfigured "cigarette smoke alarm" will soon be available in our app, which issues visual, acoustic and push notifications.
Are there adjustable alarm sounds or the option of uploading your own sounds?
This is already possible with air-Q science. Users have access to all functions via our API and can program their own alarm tones - although this requires a little technical expertise. This function is not currently integrated in the standard series.
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air-Q Air Quality Meter

Monitor air quality, all air components and environmental influences with the air-Q. For your health and performance.